Low Carb Down Under has designed their website to help you to understand a Low Carb, High Fat approach to nutrition. The information provided is based on strong science to allow you to develop your knowledge and skills to the level you need to make LCHF work for you.
Healthcare Professionals, Allied Health, Coaches Low Carb Down Under has compiled a resource of doctors, nurses, dieticians, nutritionists and coaches that incorporate a low carb approach.
The Noakes Foundation is a non-profit organisation providing evidence-based information on optimum nutrition.
Diet Doctor is a great resource for understanding the Low Carb High Fat or Keto way of eating. There are meal plans and many fabulous recipes.
ruled.me Is another great resource for people following LCHF way of eating. I especially like this article discussing different types of sweeteners
Pure Z Health is a meal and fitness customisation platform via subscriptuion
DISCLAIMER: These links are for external sites - please refer to their privacy and terms of use statements. The views expressed by those sites are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Low Carb Emporium.
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